samedi 17 mars 2012



vendredi 16 mars 2012

Sea urchin

Sea urchin is a small animal spiky ball belongs to the family, and sea urchins live in all oceans. The diameter of the spherical shell sticking about 3 to 10 cm and ranges in color from black to gray, green or purple. Sea urchin moves slowly Mngvea on algae and serve as food for each of the dogfish, eels and other nekton predators. The sea urchin fishing rights and provides Btarkh Kmqublat.


Jellyfish (English: jellyfish) (lamp and turkeys Cand?la and uttered [kan'de ? la]) a sea creature of mollusks is classified in the Division of sponges form a transparent bag with his legs extra strength or jelly-like gel is simple is so complex does not contain a header or digestive system, natural or synthetic members of the platoon followed invertebrates, any bone colorless and has no spine, and stomach, Valomaae are receiving food. Water is a high percentage of his body for up to about 95% of its weight and has some members, and open his mouth in rural and has many tentacles or sensory sensors using the free movement of moving his body and Oamesh and assist the movement of the power of moving water long distances.

Sizes range from this object by species as the smaller species no more than a few centimeters, but may exceed the largest species of 6.3 feet or more than (180 cm) wide with long tentacles, commensurate with its size.

foussa animal

 foussa animal resides on the island of Madagascar only. It feeds on foussa monkey lemurs only, and is secluded foussa animal, and the numbers of young people ranging from seven to four and opening their eyes after 15 days of birth. The threat is man foussa, ranging numbers of these animals to 2500 individual only in Madagascar, and the animal foussa of animals that are not serious.

Shoulder height: 37 cm
Height: 61-80 cm
Weight: 5-10 kg. A species of mammals. Live about 20 years., Male larger than the female, short brown hair has a reddish slash. , And like foussa mountain lion, he has a mustache and long face with a short curved claws are shrinking, and walk on the soles of his feet. His ears short and rounded, with small teeth. A species of cats.

jeudi 15 mars 2012

Eiffel Tower

 Eiffel Tower (French: Tour Eiffel) is an iron tower with a height of 324 meters, there is in Paris, in the far north-west of Park Champ - de - March, near the River Seine. Created by Gustave Eiffel and his associates on the occasion of the International Exhibition of Paris in 1889, called Tower 300 meters in the opening, it became the origin code the French capital, a tourist site first: It represents the ninth site French the most visited in 2006, and is also the first teacher in terms of the number of visitors ; where the number of visitors 6.893 million visitors in 2007. Height of 313.2 meters, which remained Brkh Eiffel for 41 years the teacher highest in the world. Height has been increased several times installed many antennas, to a height of 327 meters since March 8, 2011. Used in the past in many scientific experiments, and is used today in broadcast radio and television programs.

Design and construction
Began construction in January 26, 1887, and lasted for 26 months with the participation of approximately 50 engineers and 300 workers; where it was in the first five months building the foundations while took to build the tower one and twenty months following the end of all business in the March 31, 1889. The tower was officially opened on May 6, 1889.
The period in which the construction 1887-1889 standard, and given the tools available in that era and compare it with the precision and magnitude that characterized this building.
Tower consists of a piece of iron 18.038 and 2.5 million total nail and weighs 10.100 tons, which is based on the four columns made ??up with each other base dimensions of 125 * 125 meters of any area of ??15.625 square meters (m 2)

Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park is located in the U.S. states of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. Is the first and oldest national park in the world covering an area of ??3.470 square miles. The park is famous for Balsoachen and white bears, wolves, bison (bull dollars) and forests. Revolution is also famous for volcanoes and recorded with three huge eruptions 2.2 million years ago. Bama called the park name in relation to the yellow rocks. Was chosen by UNESCO as one of the world cultural heritage site.

mercredi 14 mars 2012

The tsunami

 The tsunami (pronounced [(t) su ? n? ? mi])
A set of waves arise from the movement of a large area of water, such as the ocean and the resulting tsunami also of earthquakes, and moves great, both on the surface of the water or under it, and some volcanic eruptions and explosions under water, landslides, earthquakes, water, a large and impact of comets and explosions of nuclear weapons at sea . As a result, the vast amount of water and energy resulting from the move, the effects of a devastating tsunami. The Greek historian Tosedaides the first to link an underwater earthquake tsunami, but understanding the nature of tsunami remained limited until the twentieth century and is still the focus of many ongoing research. And was referred to as the tsunami in ancient texts geological, geographic and oceanographic waves Alszimk Navy and see some of the storms, air degrees of tension high meteorology lead to tornadoes, and hurricanes that generate - storm surge rises several meters above the tide of the ordinary. Due to the low air pressure within the center of tension. and when approaching the security of these storms overwhelming beaches sinking vast tracts of land, like the tsunami. But the tsunami itself. Such storms flooded Burmaumianamar (in May / May 2008).

Procedures and prevention of water pollution

                                      Procedures and prevention of water pollution
Require water conservation Nature age many of the laws and regulations determined to try to reduce the pollution of water, next to the building Governments plants for water purification and treatment of waste and waste, as well as the upper limit of concentration of pollutants in the water to ensure a minimum water safety. Each side of this awareness in the media and international information network and in houses of worship of the importance of water conservation.Some of the other solutions to address this pollution include:Speed ??of processing sewage before it reaches the soil or other water bodies, which can be reused again in the irrigation of agricultural land but without the pollution of soil and plants that are eaten by humans and animals.Get rid of the maritime transport activity, and what happened to the leakage of oil or oil in sea water through burning or suction.Attempt to bury radioactive waste in some deserts specific, because it leaked and threaten the safety of groundwater.The imposition of reserves on a large scale in order to maintain the integrity of the groundwater as a source of safe drinking water sources, and preventing construction or agriculture or do any activity that may harm the safety of industrial water.Try some of the waste recycling plants instead of dumping in the banks and their access to groundwater Similarly, as long as there is . 

savane africaine


Alsavano'hai word of Spanish origin: Sabana; means grass and savannah type of plain ground which is characterized by Bshabha yellow italics Brown, and trees a few, and is dotted with various animals, dominated by the tropical climate, which is located on the north or south of the equator, and some of the nations where forests, Sudan, Chad, Niger, Mali, a few regions of Mauritania, Senegal, and areas surrounding, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Gambia, Benin, and preferably a lot of these areas for hunting and safari. Because of that space broader than this region is located in Sudan called the name of the region of SudanSavannah is not limited to Africa alone, they are found in India and Australia, and South America, on both sides of the belt of tropical forests that clean the rain than 900 millimeters to 1500 millimeters per year. And is characterized by savannah Npatadtha - which is arranged between the center of Plants (steppes) - as a drought-tolerant. If the solution to break the rain season, withered grass and plants, fallen leaves a lot of trees, and animals suffered hunger and thirst. In the rainy season, and Hoaadh and most times of the year heat, Vtdb life suddenly in all, cover the grass savannah and foliate plants and trees, and yo u again, and make it easier for animals to find food.Savanna is characterized by increased temperature. And characterized by low rainfall, but the fall seasons. Characterized by high rainfall in summer where last period of precipitation for five months while the winter dry season and why the vegetation is not dense as it is in the rain is that the amount lost from the rain water is too large because of the high temperature and thereby increase the evaporation of rain water add to the high transpiration.

dimanche 11 mars 2012

samedi 10 mars 2012