mercredi 14 mars 2012

savane africaine


Alsavano'hai word of Spanish origin: Sabana; means grass and savannah type of plain ground which is characterized by Bshabha yellow italics Brown, and trees a few, and is dotted with various animals, dominated by the tropical climate, which is located on the north or south of the equator, and some of the nations where forests, Sudan, Chad, Niger, Mali, a few regions of Mauritania, Senegal, and areas surrounding, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Gambia, Benin, and preferably a lot of these areas for hunting and safari. Because of that space broader than this region is located in Sudan called the name of the region of SudanSavannah is not limited to Africa alone, they are found in India and Australia, and South America, on both sides of the belt of tropical forests that clean the rain than 900 millimeters to 1500 millimeters per year. And is characterized by savannah Npatadtha - which is arranged between the center of Plants (steppes) - as a drought-tolerant. If the solution to break the rain season, withered grass and plants, fallen leaves a lot of trees, and animals suffered hunger and thirst. In the rainy season, and Hoaadh and most times of the year heat, Vtdb life suddenly in all, cover the grass savannah and foliate plants and trees, and yo u again, and make it easier for animals to find food.Savanna is characterized by increased temperature. And characterized by low rainfall, but the fall seasons. Characterized by high rainfall in summer where last period of precipitation for five months while the winter dry season and why the vegetation is not dense as it is in the rain is that the amount lost from the rain water is too large because of the high temperature and thereby increase the evaporation of rain water add to the high transpiration.

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